“Finally, a smooth bikini line!”

I was so tried of the red bumps and itchy skin I was getting from shaving, not to mention the ugly stubble. I never have to think about my bikini line now -I love it! And I thought I’d be uncomfortable having a person work there, but Joan is just so cool. It was no big deal at all.

– C.J., Seattle

“Goodbye blond lashes!”

I’m a red head and my lashes are blond. I had to use tons of mascara to cover them from base to tip, but then I looked too made up and my lashes look all caked up. Having my lashes tinted was the best thing I’ve done. I still use just a touch of mascara to lengthen, but just a touch. I feel very natural looking.”

– K.S., Shoreline

“Stress, what stress?”

A friend who knew how stressed I was at work insisted that I take some time out for myself and she recommended Sheila for a facial. The first time I went in, I didn’t know what to expect. It was like I died and went to heaven! Not only was I more relaxed than I’d been in months, my skin has never looked better. I’m a regular now.

– R.B., Seattle

“I had a hair on my boob!”

I was so embarrassed when I talked to Joan about this, but I had a couple hairs growing out of my nipple area. I totally thought I was the only freak to ever have this happen. Joan didn’t blink an eye – turns out it’s really common and she permanently removed them for me.

– S.H., Lynnwood

“So long uni-brow!”

I was so tried of the red bumps and itchy skin I was getting from shaving, not to mention the ugly stubble. I never have to think about my bikini line now -I love it! And I thought I’d be uncomfortable having a person work there, but Joan is just so cool. It was no big deal at all.

– C.J., Seattle

“Finally, a smooth bikini line!”

I’m so glad I no longer sport that uni-brow look. It drove me crazy! It took a little longer than I thought it would, but now it’s totally gone. I also had Joan zap a few hairs growing out of my ears — I was starting to look like my grandfather!

– T.S., Ballard

“Mamma said I’d grow out of it!”

Although I was in my early 30s, I still had mild acne. The alphahydroxy peels help keep my skin clear and super soft.

– H.H., Crown Hill